This is a one hour video featuring Terry Kramer demonstrating how to layout a head in clay before committing to carving the head in wood.
This is a short video featuring Mike Reifel demonstrating his wood carved Chester the Jester marionette.
This is a short video featuring Mike Reifel demonstrating his wood carved Beatrice the Vegetarian marionette.
Students and other club members often ask about how to go about carving Bufford. I think the pictorial process I created will answer these questions. By stepping through the images one can get the basic idea of the process.
As with Bufford, students and other club members often ask about how to go about carving a cowboy. I created a pictorial process to help describe the steps. Click on the details link to view the carving steps.
Club members are often asked about how to introduce children to woodcarving. Woodcarving tools are very sharp and not suitable for use by younger kids. Over the years it has become common practice for kids to use plastic tools to carve Ivory Soap.
Barabara Millikan has provided some patterns and instructions suitable for children who are interested in carving. It is recommended that younger children get adult assistance with these projects.
(Turtle and Dog Patterns) | (Dog Carving Instructions) | (Turtle Carving Instructions)This is a quick project presented by Mike Reifel. It is done using the flat plane method of carving. Mike says this wizard project is very popular at the shows he attends. He says he will carve about 20 of these wizards a day at the shows.
Mike has provided sample pictures and step-by-step instructions if you are interested in carving this wizard.
(Woodspirit Examples) (Carving a Woodspirit, Instructions)This is a carved caricature presented by Dave Disselbrett. Dave has provided sample pictures and step-by-step instructions if you are interested in carving this caricature.
(Pumpkin Head Instructions)This is a carved caricature presented by Dave Disselbrett. Dave has provided sample pictures and step-by-step instructions if you are interested in carving this caricature.
(Bear Instructions)How Create and Transfer a Pattern (Contributed by Kathie Dalton)
Several programs are available to help you create a pattern from a picture. I suggest you try these: